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Pan Out Framework


Pan Out is a student-led inititiative to help all current or prior CU enrollees strike gold, by teaming up to build student-pitched products, applications or services, using the skills learned in the program to inspire and empower themselves and the world around them.

How it Works

The second week of the Fall semester 2024, we will hold Pan Out Pitches, where students can pitch their ideas in a 5 minute presentation to their peers. All participants will have a chance to vote on their top 3 pitches. The pitches with enough votes will form a team based by interest and build the thing.

Once the teams are created, it's then up to them how they want to define requirements, make decisions, assign work and manage timelines.

The first week of every semester following, we will check in with the teams, allowing them to give a 10 minute Pan Out Demo where each team can show off the progress they've made.

Important Note: While Pan Out is open for former or current CU students, it is not affiliated with the University of Colorado.

How to Get Involved

Check the Pan Out Discord server. If you aren't a member, ask in Piazza if any other students in your classes can send you an invite. If that fails, email BD with the subject line "Pan Out Discord Invite" from your email. Emails from non domains will not be seen.



Until Saturday, Aug 31, 2024: Register for Pan Out using the registration form found in the #register channel in the Pan Out discord server.

Note: To register, you must sign into the form with your email address.

You may elect to be a Pitcher (pitch your idea to your peers), Participant (vote on the ideas you like the most and work on one), or a Viewer (just here for the pitches, demoes and free coffee).

Until Friday, September 6, 2024 @ 2pm MST: Submissions for Pan Out Pitches

If you selected Pitcher in the Pan Out registration, you will be sent a submission form via your email.

Friday, September 6, 2024 @ 3pm MST: Order for Pan Out Pitches will be shared with the Pitchers via email.

Pitches & Voting

Friday, September 6, 2024 @ 4pm MST: Pan Out Pitches!

Note, this will be recorded and shared in the discord channel. If you are a Pitcher and cannot make it, you can record your 5 minute pitch and it will be shared as a part of the presentation.

Following Pan Out Pitches, Friday, September 6, 2024: Discord Q&A and Voting Opens

This will be an opportunity to ask questions to the Pitchers about their ideas in an open forum. Participants participate in ranked voting to select their 1st, 2nd and 3rd most interesting pitches.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024 @ 10pm MST Voting ends

Team Work & Demoes

Thursday, September 12, 2024 The pichtes with enough votes to form a team are selected and teams are announced.

From then, it's up to the teams what happens.

We will have 3 Pan Out Demos, where teams will present the progress they have made. These will be held:

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Thursday, May 15, 2025

Wednesday, September 27, 2025

If your team cannot make these dates, you are free to record a 10 minute video demoing the progress your team has made.