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Why "Pan Out" for the name?

Boulder, Colorado was once a settlement for the Colorado Gold Rush in the 19th century, bringing a diverse population of residents with varied backgrounds. Opportunists would spend their days standing in the frigid snowmelt waters of Boulder Creek, trying to pan out the precious metals they believed they could find in hopes of striking it rich. CU Boulder acknowledges this history with its original school colors of silver and gold.

Pan Out aims to help students strike it rich, just like those who traveled to Boulder for a new life long ago. For most teams, this will mean its members will have tangible work experience to show their future employers as well as an impressive portfolio piece and great stories to tell in interviews. For some teams, it may mean an opportunity to start a company that creates its own legacy in the world. For anyone who participates, the aim is to find avenues to apply their computer science learnings in an environment of like-minded individuals, with a passion for the product and a desire to learn and succeed.

Whatever your team does, we hope it pans out for you!

How long has Pan Out existed?

Its flagship year is 2024, so this is the first year! Please be patient with us as we hope to improve this process as we learn more about the needs of those who participate. We hope that it goes well and the future plans are to start a new Pan Out cohort every fall semester going forward.

Does Pan Out take sponsorships?

Not at this time. However, if you are interested in sponsoring Pan Out in the future, email BD with the subject line "Pan Out Sponsorships" and we will see what we can make happen.